Are Rotating Backconnect Proxies Useful?

Are Rotating Backconnect Proxies Useful?

Rotating backconnect proxies are types of proxies that change your IP address whenever a new request is made. A request is when you enter a query and ask the server to respond. For example, if you open, your request first goes to the server and brings back you a reply in the form of a web page. Same goes with the case when you search something. For example, when you enter a query into the search field, it brings back you search results in response to the request. Essentially, the whole internet works…continue reading →
Microleaves Backconnect Residential Proxy Reviews

Microleaves Backconnect Residential Proxy Reviews

When you use the internet, have you thought about your safety over the vast cloud of the internet? Did you ever think that someone may be seeing you using the computer and would be able to access all the information which you are checking out right now? Well if you have not thought about it then now is the time you start thinking because before you know it, someone would be having your data and information with them which is private. With Microleaves Backconnect residential proxy reviews you will be able to make…continue reading →
Everything You Need to Know About Backconnect Proxies

Everything You Need to Know About Backconnect Proxies

Despite the fact that improvement in the level of technology and innovativeness has changed the world positively, it has made us vulnerable to hackers and people with malicious intents on the web. Even organizations that should protect our data, such as telecom companies and Internet service providers are becoming party to invading our privacy, selling information to other companies/ marketers in exchange for millions of dollars. The government also monitors your internet activities. In this page, we outline everything you need to know about Backconnect proxy- a product that you can use to…continue reading →
An Overview of the Backconnect Proxy

An Overview of the Backconnect Proxy

In the technologically advanced world, we might be aware of and even use several technological terms in our discussions but if asked, we may not be in a position to explain what they really mean. For instance, what do you mean by the term backconnect proxy? I guess you might know what a proxy is but the addition of the word backconnect may be confusing. In order to know what a backconnect proxy is, it might be helpful to first understand what a normal proxy is and how it works. The Standard Proxy…continue reading →